IES Triana has taken part with the students os 2º ESO y 3º Diversificación in the human chain of decimals of the World’s Largest Pi Number in Seville.
Poesía pi del grupo de Jaime Martín, Diego León, Antonio Lucena, Marcos Sarmiento:
«Con 1 beso y suave acariciar
yo quería jugar con dulce señorita enamorada
belleza iluminada que vi sus redondos ojos lloran»
Quizá te preguntas por qué es una poesía de Pi.
Cuenta las letras de cada palabra y verás que son las cifras del número Pi: 3,1415926535 8979323846
¿Quieres intentarlo?

A post by Alicia Paredes and Sara Barrio:
This shool trip has been about a demonstration of the number pi to achieve a record of maximum people. As soon as we arrived they lined us up and gave some of us a pin, then they distributed the numbers that we had to raise for the demonstration. There were many students from different schools. All the schools stood in the town hall square and the numbers 0 were awarded prizes by a raffle, they were given a blue backpack with a bottle of water and a loudspeaker. Then, we had breakfast to a park and we did activities, and around 1:30 p.m. we left there and headed towards the IES Triana.
We really liked this activity.

A post by Sofía González and Ariadne Álvarez:
At 10 in the morning, all the schools were gathered in the Cathedral of Seville. Each child was assigned a number,then the television recorded each child with their proper number. To end the school trip they made a raffle,they randomly took a number from the number pi, which was 0, to all who had the number zero they gave a gift,which contained a backpack, a speaker, a pen and a bottle.